Experience Change with J.Hartsaw Therapy
Your Local Psychotherapist - Here to Guide You
About Me
My name is Jessica Hartsaw
I am passionate about my work, and I particularly enjoy working with couples. Relationships shape the human experience, and I engage with couples and individuals within the context of their own personal and family histories, helping unlock their potential for intimacy and fulfillment. Additionally, I have expertise in working with adolescents, individually or within their family system, facilitating the process of developing independence, coping skills and positive sense of personal identity.
I have developed a unique family systems approach that is applicable to a highly diverse population. My experience has ranged from those on the autism spectrum to psychiatric, dual-diagnosis, chemical dependency, those with issues of grief and loss, chronic illness, legal problems, depression and anxiety, and issues around loss of independence and identity.
I offer a quiet, comfortable space where your privacy and your time are given the highest priority.

"Find out what it is in life that you don't do well, and then don't do that thing."